Will you be in Rome 24th May 2023?
If so, you should attend “Advanced PAT Instrumentations & Cognitive Control: toward Pharma 5.0” seminar at CeRSITeS, Sapienza University, Rome – Italy.
This free-to-attend seminar will cover extremely interesting topics related to process monitoring in realtime, advanced PAT instrumentation and Cognitive control. A step forward towards Pharma 5.0
The advantages of process control are multiple, this seminar not only aims to bring direct experiences from customers, users and researchers operating in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical sector, but also to show the latest technological innovations for PAT instrumentation.
Our partner Eigengran (Mrs. Carolina Gastone and Mr. Marino Sergi) will be presenting “Self-Optimizing High Shear Wet Granulation with DeepMPC“, newest developments of control through AI algorithms that gave life to the new Cognitive Pharma Machinery line of Luperini Tailored Pharma Machinery.
Check the SEMINAR PROGRAMME (here)
FREE ENTRY SEMINAR – Fill in the form to PRE-REGISTER to this event: (here)