Luperini designs, manufactures, sells and installs all over the world mixing machines, granulators, handling systems and storage, washing stations, components and accessories intended to cover most of the production cycle of the pharmaceutical industry.
What we do
Luperini with its products, is able to cover all phases of the production cycle.
"The know-how developed during years of experience working with pharmaceutical technology of a renowned company located in Lucca, has made Luperini one of the most appreciated and qualified companies to carry out revamping and maintenance on existing machinery.
Why choosing us
We do things in the best possible way. We invest important economic, time and human resources to take care of the relationship with customers and accompany them, step by step, towards achieving their goals.
"Excellence by Mission
Performance by Vision
Since 2010 Luperini Group is a consolidated, dynamic and organized structure to interface with the pharmaceutical industry and other important sectors of industrial production.
The three brands Luperini Tailored Pharma Machinery, Luperini Qualified Pharma Service and Luperini Qualified Tech & Service operate on a shared ground made of technological know-how, strong innovative drive, research of the highest quality of product and service, willingness to customize solutions.